
Welcome to Broken Wings. These writings are a part of my own journey of self discovery. I have no answers, but I am asking questions and pondering and looking within to see what I find. I share my writings in hope of helping others in their journey of self discovery, in hopes of encouraging others to look within themselves to find the insights in to their own questions.

All I know is that I know nothing
- Socrates

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What Do I Really Know?

I've often felt that I know a lot of things, but am an expert and nothing.  Then I began to look at what I know and began to wonder if I really know anything. 

Have you ever found yourself so sure that you knew something and then gradually what you knew shifted into something else and before you realized what happened what you knew became something completely different?  This would be what I meant in the very first page where I said that we have to understand that truth is ever changing.  We know something, we are sure of it, we may even have facts to back it and then slowly as we are exposed to different understandings or newly uncovered facts what we know shifts or transforms into something different.  Our truth changes.

At first this can be very confusing and kind of uncomfortable.  It can rattle us and cause us to look at our whole world and wonder what really is constant, what is true, what is unchanging.  When this first happened to me I was really thrown, but it helped to realize this was just a new way of looking at my world, not the end of my world.

After awhile I began to understand that feeling that I really know nothing is not so scary, it actually frees me to be opened to all of the other ideas and understandings that I encountered in my world, which opened me up to different understandings and ideas and in turn opened me up to relationships with new and different people. Before I knew it I had expanded my circle of friends to include wonderful people who I normally would not have met.

In letting go of what I knew to be true I gained a new freedom and sense of who I am myself. I  also opened  up to finding out more about the people around me which helped to release my feelings of isolation.

Knowing that I really know nothing also makes me aware that when someone tells me that "this is the way it is" I don't have to believe what they tell me, but I also don't have to feel offended by it.  I can accept it as truth or let it go, it's up to me to discern if what they say speaks to my heart and feels "right" with my soul.  

Some of the things I know haven't changed yet, so I am guessing for me, these are my truths, at least until I find some other understanding that shifts them.

Something I've learned through out this process is it's an ever changing world, but I'm strangely OK with that.

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