
Welcome to Broken Wings. These writings are a part of my own journey of self discovery. I have no answers, but I am asking questions and pondering and looking within to see what I find. I share my writings in hope of helping others in their journey of self discovery, in hopes of encouraging others to look within themselves to find the insights in to their own questions.

All I know is that I know nothing
- Socrates

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Centering Ourselves

Finding our quiet center may not be easy at first.  We have a lot going on in our outer worlds and we've been trained to juggle many thoughts and actions all at the same time.  Sometimes in our attempt to take care of the whole world we lose sight of the understanding that it's important to take some time to focus only on our inner self.

The procedure you use can be as complicated or simple as you wish,  Once again use what feels best for you. Some people recenter through yoga, some through meditation, some through simply soaking in a hot tub.  Anything that helps you to relax, release your tension and focus yourself within will work.

Right now at this moment while we sit in our seats or on our couches or beds we can recenter.  Simply take a deep breath and release it.  Become aware of where you are sitting, feel the connection of your body to the chair, the sofa, the floor, feel your connection to the floor, the ground, the earth.  Take another deep breath and let it out...notice your body, do you feel the tension in your shoulders?  Your neck, your back?  Become aware of all the places you are holding tension.  Take another  slow, deep breath  all the way to your stomach, feel your stomach fill like a beach ball.  Now as you slowly release the breath feel all of the tension release from your body.  Relax your muscles, lower your shoulders you are loose like jello.  On your next slow deep inhalation say these words to yourself,  I am loved,  I am lovable, I am loving.  Fill yourself with these words.  As you release your breath, feel all of the negativity and unpleasant thoughts flow out from your body into the air to be purified.  Inhale in and say I am healthy, I am whole, I am loved.  Feel your entire body relax and fill with love and light.  There is an inner light glowing in your darkness, look at it and feel its warmth, visualize it growing brighter and filling you with its warm glow.  This is you, this is love, you are beautiful and amazing.  You are loved.

Rest in this light as long as time permits and you feel comfortable.  Then slowly draw yourself back into your awareness of your body,  wiggle your fingers, feel your toes,  become aware of the place in which you sit.  You are in your body and yet still connected to the light, the spirit within you.  You are a beautiful light filled being and I am blessed to have connected with you.

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