
Welcome to Broken Wings. These writings are a part of my own journey of self discovery. I have no answers, but I am asking questions and pondering and looking within to see what I find. I share my writings in hope of helping others in their journey of self discovery, in hopes of encouraging others to look within themselves to find the insights in to their own questions.

All I know is that I know nothing
- Socrates

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cleaning Our Brushes

One thing I've learned on this journey is if we really want to heal something and be free of it, we have to take a really good hard look at it.  If we stuff the "bad" things that happen to us away instead of facing them and working through them, they live deep inside us festering and popping up when we least expect it.

It's important to look at our issues, the things that bother us in life and our difficult times so that we can work through them, learn any lessons there are to learn from them and then be able to release them so that they don't control us or hold us back in any way.

When we look at these experiences it's important to do it with an opened heart and mind, not looking for someone to blame, but looking to see what part we were playing in the story and what exactly it was that we were trying to accomplish in the scene.  It's important to see what role we played and take responsibility for our own actions leaving judgment out of the picture.  Instead of looking and thinking...who's to blame for this, it is helpful to look with the thought...what was the purpose of this?

If we desire to heal and move forward, letting go of the past is a very important step we need to take.  Our past forms who we are, but only because it teaches us lessons that we use as we move forward in our world.  We aren't meant to be stuck in our past or to use it to judge and condemn ourselves or others.  If we get stuck in our past and cling to it, there will be no room for growth and progression in our lives.  If we let go of our past we don't lose anything, the experiences are still a part of us, we simply no longer use them to define who we are.

Our life is a work of art and we are the artist. The future is ours to paint,  but first we must clean our brush of the old paint so that we can fill it with new paint and use it to create a beautiful picture.  Let's look at our past with the intention of cleaning our brush so that we can create a bright, beautiful new work of art.

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