Sometimes I think we take life way to seriously and forget that it's OK, even good to find some joy along the way. We forget to take time to stop and relax and really take a look around us at the beauty of the world. We get so busy taking care of others and being concerned about others that we forget to take care of ourselves.
It seems important to remember that part of being of service to others is remembering to take care of ourselves. How can we help others if we wear ourselves down and have nothing left to give?
Stop right now and ask yourself, what did I do to take care of myself today? Did I eat right? Did I drink enough water? Did I get some exercise? Do I get enough sleep? Did I do something that gives me joy?
Taking care of yourself is not being selfish, unless of course you only ever focus on your own needs and no one else's, but if that were the case, I doubt you would be reading my words.
The next time you are making out your to do list for the day, don't forget to put, take care of myself at the top so you don't forget and don't scratch it off until the end of the day when you are sure that you really have taken care of yourself. That's not an order, just a suggestion from someone who often forgets to take care of herself and needs a lot of reminders too!
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