I haven't had much to say lately. I find myself feeling more and more like stepping back and doing less talking and more listening. Not sure what that means, but it makes it kind of hard to write a blog.
What came to my mind as I came to this site to check in on my "stuff" was that change can be really frustrating. I am usually pretty good at going with the flow, but complete unexpected, full out changes tend to be much more difficult to navigate. I came on here today to simply read what I had written last to see where my mind and heart had been the last time I posted and I find that nothing is the same. I can't seem to navigate anywhere and it is difficult to even find what I've written. Talk about confusing!
This is frustrating, especially since I had no apparent say or input into whether the change would work well or was a good idea. But the change has occurred and I can either flow along with it learning the new system or I can decide to no longer take part on this particular site.
It seems like life is kind of that way. We learn how to go with the flow and take the little twists and turns and bumps and bruises that come along, but when we get hit with an all out complete change of everything familiar, that is a whole new process. It's like starting from ground one and learning how things work all over again. We can try to cling to how things used to be, but those things are no longer in place and if we cling to them, we go no where fast.
I guess the way I've learned to look at these complete changes is this: In the beginning I started out at ground one and learned and grew and got to where I was, I did it once and I can do it again. It's either that or completely throw in the towel and that doesn't seem like a very feasible option.
Besides I've tried to throw in the towel a few times and it always seemed to get thrown back at me as if to say...nice try, but you aren't done yet.
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