
Welcome to Broken Wings. These writings are a part of my own journey of self discovery. I have no answers, but I am asking questions and pondering and looking within to see what I find. I share my writings in hope of helping others in their journey of self discovery, in hopes of encouraging others to look within themselves to find the insights in to their own questions.

All I know is that I know nothing
- Socrates

Monday, August 8, 2011

Pure love

AHHHHH the JOYS of babies!  There's nothing like holding a baby in your arms.  The smell of them, the sweet softness of their fluffy hair and perfect skin.  I love every part of them, their pudgy fingers and toes.  The shape of their furry little shoulders, tiny ears, eyes that squench shut and pop open so widely as if they can't believe they are really out in the world.  The sounds they make, the tiny grunts and squeaks, the pop of a binky being pulled from their lips and the hungry suckling noises are like music to my ears.  I'm amazed by their tiny legs that stretch out as if to say, WOW I can really move around now and then just as quickly pull back in as if to say,  WOW it's a big old world out here!  Those tiny toes just waiting to be tickled and have you say This little piggy went to market on them.  And of course their round little tummies and chubby little cheeks that make it so hard to resist blowing kisses all over them. I love the curve of their little bottom that fits so perfectly in your hand and they way they curl up into a tiny bundle as you hold them closely on your chest.

I think new borns are the closest to Heaven we get right now here on earth.

If I had to pick out one favorite thing about my grand daughter right now it would be the way she looks straight into my eyes and appears to try to communicate with me.  How she listen so intently to what I tell her and then tries to smile.  She just melts my heart, but then all babies melt my heart.  I'd say she's the prettiest baby ever, but how could this be when MY babies were the prettiest babies ever?

If you have children don't you wish you could shrink your kids down for just one day and love them up like you did when they were new borns only have them be able to remember THAT feeling, that emotion of pure, unconditional love that surrounded them.   Infancy is usually the only time we receive that kind of pure nonjudgmental love. Isn't that sad?  Wouldn't it be amazing if our children could remember that and hold on to it always no matter what is going on in their lives. Don't you wish YOU could feel that feeling towards yourself?  Wouldn't it be amazing if we all could remember being totally, purely and unconditionally loved just as we are?

It feels to me that each day we are born a new and have the opportunity to reach out to each other and ourselves with that feeling of unconditional love, that feeling of wonder and joy and hope.  If only we could let go of all of our expectations and learned perceptions of how the world is "supposed" to be.  If  only we could stop judging and instead just love with an opened heart.  Wouldn't that be wonderful?  Wouldn't that be Heaven?

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