
Welcome to Broken Wings. These writings are a part of my own journey of self discovery. I have no answers, but I am asking questions and pondering and looking within to see what I find. I share my writings in hope of helping others in their journey of self discovery, in hopes of encouraging others to look within themselves to find the insights in to their own questions.

All I know is that I know nothing
- Socrates

Monday, April 11, 2011

Tending Your Own Garden

Living a life in service to others is very important to many of us, but we have to keep in mind that part of serving others is remembering to take care of ourselves.  Sometimes we need to step back from holding everyone else and take time to nurture ourselves. We don't always have to hold everyone and their needs above our own.  If we don't take care of ourselves, we won't be able to take care of anyone else and everyone loses.

We also need to keep in mind that we don't have to hold the problems of the world by ourselves.  There are many  here to help us and if we will ask for help and allow others to help us, we are giving them the gift of allowing them to serve us.  

Remember, it's important to water your own garden as well as others and there are plenty of gardeners who are ready and willing and would be honored to help you tend your plants.

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